Hulu has dropped the first teaser for Chad Powers, a half-hour comedy series co-created by Glen Powell and Loki writer Michael Waldron. Powell, known for his charming leading-man roles, takes on a hilariously bizarre transformation in the series, where his character, Russ Holliday, adopts a grotesque disguise to relaunch his football career as the big-nosed and awkwardly grinning Chad Powers.
The Teaser: A Sneak Peek at Chaos
The 15-second teaser opens with Russ cryptically teasing, “I got something comin’ up. Somethin’ kinda big,” as he sits in a car before applying prosthetics that completely alter his appearance. The footage cuts to Russ-as-Chad entering a football stadium, sporting a bulbous nose and unsettling grin. Brief glimpses of Perry Mattfeld’s Ricky and Steve Zahn’s Jake Hudson suggest that Chad’s journey will involve both camaraderie and chaos.
The Premise: Football Meets Comedy Gold
The series follows Russ Holliday, a hotheaded former college football player, who blows his career and must go undercover as Chad Powers to join a new team. The absurdity of his disguise serves as the comedic heart of the show.
Chad Powers is inspired by an ESPN+ segment featuring Eli Manning, where the former quarterback donned a disguise to prank college football players. Manning himself credited Matthew McConaughey’s Dazed and Confused performance—one of Powell’s idols—as an influence, adding a fun meta connection to Powell’s involvement in the series.
Glen Powell’s Big Year
Powell has been on a meteoric rise in Hollywood, with standout performances in Set It Up, Top Gun: Maverick, Twisters, and Hit Man. His transition to comedy in Chad Powers showcases his versatility, and the series adds to his growing repertoire of high-profile projects.
2025 promises to be another massive year for Powell, with lead roles in Edgar Wright’s The Running Man, a Stephen King adaptation, and the thriller Huntington alongside Margaret Qualley. Speculation also swirls about his involvement in J.J. Abrams’ next film, keeping Powell firmly in the Hollywood spotlight.
What’s Next?
Chad Powers is set to premiere on Hulu in fall 2025. With its laugh-out-loud premise, Powell’s comedic transformation, and a talented supporting cast, the series promises to deliver a winning blend of humor and heart.
Watch the teaser above to get a glimpse of Powell’s unrecognizable and uproarious new character.